Frequently Asked Questions

Your Quick Guide to DFW

Browse the questions below to learn more about Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin. Have a question you don't see?
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Champions of Dairy FAQs

To best support your local promotion and education work and align in-state consumer messaging, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin and Dairy Market Inc. (National Dairy Check Off) have tested consumer-facing messaging that consumers are needing to hear, learn and experience to build their trust in dairy, and ultimately build demand for dairy.

Foundational key messaging will bring focus to Champions of Dairy with key messages, resources and grant funding to build a stronger, unified voice for dairy.

The narrative and messages are foundational to Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin youth and local promotion messaging. These messages will be applied to all future Champions of Dairy funding programs, support resources and marketing activities to ensure a consistent dairy voice across the community, state and national levels. These messages can be a starting point for future promotions around Dairy is good for My Body, My Community and My Planet based on audience and community.

Learn more about key messages
The new “Promotion Partner” logo to help your community’s dairy farmers see their check-off dollars at work in local promotion.
We want want to communicate with all officers and members of each Champions of Dairy group. If you have a  member who does not have an email address, please list an officer who has an email address or none@none.com
If an officer serves more than one roll on the officer team, please fill out each position accordingly. 

In order to receive your funding you need to:

  • Complete and submit the online Dairy Promotion Grant Application. Upon application approval, your treasurer will then receive a copy via email of a Promotion Purchase Order – aka the expectations and legalities of use of funds. 
  • Sign and return the Promotion Purchase Order agreement (see example below). The sooner you sign and return this PPO, the sooner grant funding can be dispersed.   
  • Funds dispersed via check or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) 


Who We Are

Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin is a farmer-owned and farmer-directed non-profit organization created to increase the sale and consumption of Wisconsin milk and dairy products.

The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board (WMMB) officially changed it's name to Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin in 2017.

This change represents the organization's new strategic mission, vision and identity; more firmly aligning our organization with the efforts of Wisconsin's dairy farmers to expand growth opportunities domestically and around the world. Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin communicates the people we represent: the hard-working dairy farmers of this state who produce the quality dairy products that consumers love.

The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board (now Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin) was formed in 1983.
for every 100 pounds of milk produced and marketed in the state, 10 cents goes to Dairy farmers of Wisconsin to promote Wisconsin-produced dairy products. An additional 5 cents goes to the National Dairy Promotion & Research Board for generic dairy promotion activities at the national level.
No, though many members of our organization are dairy farmers or come from dairy farm families, you don't have to be a dairy farmer to work for DFW. Our organization is overseen by 25 dairy farmer board members that are elected by dairy farmers in their districts. These farmers meet regularly to review DFW's strategy, programs and finances of the checkoff dollars. The marketing, research and promotion programs are executed by the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin staff.
No, we are no affiliated with Dairy Farmers of America, which is a national dairy cooperative. Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin the marketing and promotion arm for Wisconsin dairy farmers as part of the state's dairy checkoff program.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Checkoff Dollars are the funds given to Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin by Wisconsin dairy farmers to help promote our state's dairy products and fund continuing dairy research initiatives.
Visit the Checkoff at Work section of our site for information on our the Checkoff Dollars are being spent, recent statistics and the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin Annual Report.
Dairy products, like milk, cheese and yogurt, are an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D and protein, all of which are vital components of a balanced diet for growing children and adults alike.
Most Wisconsin dairy cows enjoy modern dairy comforts like spacious, temperature controlled living spaces, open access to grazing fields and water, and nutritionst developed meals. In fact, they eat healthier than most people!

As technology continues to evolve many farms are also moving to a self-milking system, in which cows can choose when they want to be milked. Learn more about our dairy cows here.
Visit the Promote Dairy section of our site to find grassroots ways to help DFW spread the dairy word, subscribe to our newsletter, or purchase Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin gear. Or, visit our events calendar to see what else is going on.